Leist Auto and Cars.com
Consumer Report


Identified a Highlander Hybrid SUV on Cars.com, being sold by Leist Auto. Negotiated the purchase agreement with Nathan Green. After signing the purchase agreement and receiving details about delivery, wired funds to the bank, but the car was never delivered.

Company: Leist Auto and Cars.com
Country: USA
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Markham Fine Cars
MARKHAM FINE CARS Beware of these crooks trying to hide under a diffrent name MARKHAM FINE CARS, odyrbe auto sales

Victori Auto Sales Corp
Erasmo Taveras Robbed $20,000. Took the money / no car delivered

Ultimate Cars Of Columbia
Braech of trust / ripoff

Cars Auto Transport
Do not use this company or Monty's Transport Auto Carrier. I paid Cars Auto for delivery of my car Monty would not deliver my car to me unless I paid him cash

Auto Nation
Selling wrecked & totaled cars AND cars that have been in the floods over the last year as great cars with no problem!

JD Byrider
Terrible experience

Discount auto service
Getty They are thieves and full of lies

Broadway Auto Corp
Sell valueless insurance policies

Consumer Report

Official's Salaries, William Erbey, Ronald Faris, Mark Zeidman, Arthur Ringwald, Robert Leist, HERE is where our money Goes!