Applebees Bar & Grill
Deception/Poor Management skills


I went to Applebees in Tallahassee for Veterans Day 11/11. I sat at the bar since there was a waiting list to seat in the restaurant area. I ordered my meal and 3 drinks. A man next to me (poss veteran) had his meal and several Long Island Ice teas. He got up and left the restaurant without paying his tab. I saw him leave and notified the bartender. She tried to find him outside in the parking lot with no luck. When I got ready to leave and pay my bill I noticed his Steak dinner was on my tab... It was then subracted as a Veterans meal. I came in alone and was a paying customer and asked to have the bill corrected as not to reflect his tab "free of not" on my bill. He ran out without paying his part of the bar tab. I felt it was wrong to hide his meal on my ticket. I don't condone theft especially by a Veteran no less. The manager told me to pay my bill I had to leave and he actually escorted me out the door to a police officer who just happened to be there. The officer said "Whats the problem, your not being charged for his meal". To me, its the principle. Applebees prides their self on INTEGRITY and EXCELLENCE. They still have my debit card, got my money for my food and I am being told I will get my card back when I sign the slip. I am not signing for something that is incorrect. All I wanted was correct version of my tab. They need to figure out another way to record "the loss" and not put it on an innocent persons tab. I was treated rudely, unprofessionally and unfairly. I am still in shock from this experience. To be threatened of arrest because they said I was causing a scene when I asked to have it fixed is ridiculous. I hope that they don't practice this deception often. I even told the man his drinks were not free and he mentioned that he had a free meal earlier. I had a gut feeling he was going to run from his tab. After the man left, one female bartender said she knew him and just waved it off. Then I got my bill.

Company: Applebees Bar & Grill
Country: USA
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Applebees Bar & Grill
Decption/Poor Management - Management

Deception/Dishonesty/Poor customer service

Applebee's Corporation
Bad applebees

Applebees Neighborhood Grill and Bar
Unproffesonial costomer Service & Poor Quality of food

Bad service/food at Applebee's

Applebee's Corporation
Ad service - Steak Dinne

Applebees Bar & Grill
Applebees Compliment

Poor waiting

Applebee's Corporation
The worst experience ever at Applebee's

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