Arvie Skin Care
Consumer Report


I signed up for Arvie Skin Care and had a trial period through January 12th. I don't deny I missed my deadline by a weekend due to a family emergency. I contacted a rep the following Monday, January 16 to cancel. I didn't clearly understand he was merely cancelling my continued shipments; I thought he was canceling my trial period because he indiciated I was still within my 3 day right to rescind. I have spoken with 2 supervisors but the last one I spoke with today, February 16, whose name was Andre, was the most uncaring, heartless supervisor I have ever dealth with. I wanted to give them an opportunity to resolve my issue amicably but apparently my little $73.41 means too much for them to make provisions for someone with circumstances beyond their control. I strongly encourage you not to deal with this company because they are all about the money. They do not care about you as a person. They claim to follow best practices but appeared very unreasonable and uncaring to my situation.

Company: Arvie Skin Care
Country: USA
State: California
City: Van Nuys
ZIP: 91406
Address: 7900 Gloria Ave
Phone: 8889972941, 8662169336
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AuraVie SkinCare - Andre, Supervisor
Andre (no last name given) Supervisor was rude, heartless, disrespectful and arrogant. He did not want to listen to me at all after apparently learning that I had contacted the company before regarding this same situation.internet

Arvie Skin Care
Consumer Report

AuraVie skin care
When I ordered the aura vie skin care there was no print about 10 days trial period. Beware about this company

Equinox Skin Care
Consumer Report

Grant Finder Pro
Took $100 and didnt bother to even tell me about the trial period

Aura Vie/Great Skin
Consumer Report

Scam, rip off, Free trial period is not Free, it will cost you hundreds of dollars!

Arvie Skin Care
Consumer Report

Alore Skin Care
Consumer Report

Arvie Skin Care
Consumer Report