Hot Movie
Consumer Report


There was an extra $9.95 fee taken off my debit card which was not suppose to be taken. I bought a movie for $4.95 which was taken off my card then a few days later this other fee was taken off my card. I gave no consent for this.

Company: Hot Movie
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Boca Raton
ZIP: 33481
Address: PO Box 810365
Phone: 8665668437
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Took money off from my card after ordering a movie, they continued to take additional funds

Redbox DVD Rental Kiosk
Beware of renting on line, Hot Movie Sale, SmartSavingsCenter, LLC
RIPPED ME OFF BY CHARGING MY CARD 7 TIMES FOR 19.95 EACH, when i only bought 1 movie for ~$9 ONE TIME

Scooter Movie shop
They got my Money, but no movie!

Movie Cube / returned movie to kiosk - got charged $76.00

BBV HotMovieSales
I ordered a christmas movie cause I could not find it in the stores, I only wanted the one movie, the next thing I know Im getting charged $9.99 a month since Nov. And I did Not join any membership!

Movie Mars - Movie Marz
Movie Marz ordered movie, paid for movie and shipping, received shipping/tracking no#., no movie. They won't return any emails

Hot Movie Sale, HMS
Hot Movie Sale, HMS A deceptive rip-off delux!

HMS Hot Movie Sales
Ripoff fraud charges

Charged 9.95 to my debit card 24 hours after charging me for a movie I purchased