Consumer Report


I ordered for their product called E-Z Trim but no item arrived. I tried to contact them through their website which they claim they will respond within 24 hours but did not hear from them and that the messages keep bouncing. They have not replied as well to any of my e-mails asking for follow up and then for cancellation eventually. Only later did I notice that there is no contact address on the website; there's a phone number 1-866-702-1765 which is not very obvious (had to look through the other products, then I saw it) but I did not try that one because I don't want to be charged more.

Company: E-z-trim.com
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Henderson
ZIP: 89074
Address: 356 Lander Dr
Phone: 7022660046
Site: e-z-trim.com
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