Consumer Report


I am permanently disabled and living on a very small fixed monthly
disability income, most of which goes to pay for my rent and utilities. There is very little money left to pay for food, so I am forced to mostly survive on Ramen Noodles each and every day. On 06/07, out of sheer desperation, I signed up and paid for a home wealth systems online job from home, after which I became too ill to participate in. Now, I am feeling a little better, so I decided to log in to that website, as it had provided me with a user name and a password, only to find out that no such website even exists!!! With knots in my stomach and tears in my eyes, I am in total disbelief that someone as poor as me has been so taken advantage of!!! I simply cannot believe that there are such awful and such horrible people in the world that would do such a terrible thing... This really hurts... I placed my trust in something that did not even exist, all the while hoping that it would help my pain and suffering of trying to survive from month to month... This must be the work of a sociopath, someone with absolutely no conscience at all... I believe in karma with all of my heart, so whoever has master minded and committed this dispicable act will one day suffer severe consequences... Thank you, Daniela Luise Horneck, (Personal Info Removed). Phone: (Personal Info Removed). Email: (Personal Info Removed).

Company: HomeWealth-Sys.com
Country: USA
State: Michigan
City: Grandville
ZIP: 49417
Address: 2885 Sanford Ave SW, #15478
Phone: 8883328948
Site: simplehomewealthsystem.com
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