Consumer Report


I called to apply for a 7 day trial for $2.95. I researched it and decided to not join. I called back the same day to stop. Then a week and half later I see a charge on my card of $49.95. I called spoke with someone who claimed his name was "Hank". Clearly not... Anyway he told me he, "can not" refund money. I asked him if he was basiclly telling me he is a scam artist, a liar, and a theif, and I should just bend over and let him steal my money. His reply was, "you should try the site for the next 30 days, you've paid for it." Lmao!!! I really wish I would have googled this site first.!!! I'm out $53.00 plus the cost of shutting off my card and getting a new one. Also the incovenience of not having my card. I am single mother going to school and raising two childeren on a very tight budget. I just wanted to earn extra money. What I have learned is, If it sounds to good to be true, IT IS!!! If anyone can help me get my money back, my kids and I will appreciate it. Thank you

Company: ExtraMoneyZone.com
Country: USA
State: Delaware
City: Newark
ZIP: 19711
Address: 40 E. Main St., Suite 600
Phone: 8889006193
Site: extramoneyzone.com
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True.com preys on single people, and do not want to work with you if a problem arises

EMZshoping ExtraMoneyZone ripped me off twice

Consumer Report

CCS - First National
They ripped me off and conned me out of 200.00!

Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Budget Rent-A-Car
Ripped off by: Charging Scam!

Imperial Benefits
Ripoff! Took money but there's no credit card as promised

Imperial Consumer Services ripoff business from hell