HlthStore.com 888-7961917
Consumer Report


I returned my trial offer on the 29/12 and phoned to tell them i had returned the item on the same day. Looked at my bank account and have seen that in january they have taken out £72.73. They also said the postage would only be £1.99 but have taken out £9.22. Ihave phoned several times to ask for a refund but still have not received one. Each time i phone the refund they say they will give gets less and less. Can anyone help

Company: HlthStore.com 888-7961917
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Clearwater
ZIP: 33765
Address: 2141 Logan St
Phone: 8883760708, 8772506385, 4402079797821
Site: healthstore-shop.com
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