Epoch 800-893-8871
Consumer Report


Have been trying to cancel for a year via email they kept saying they couldn't find me on their system. When I called the support guy, I think his name was Bernie, he insisted that my emailing was unacceptable and that I should have called in the first place. A complete bastard. For some reason he didn't buy my argument that I "email to keep a record of all communications". I still have the full email trail. Is there anything I can do with this? How do I get them back for this?

Company: Epoch 800-893-8871
Country: USA
Phone: 3106645700
Site: epoch.com
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800-893-8871 Epoch Epoch.com GBR
Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Epoch 800-893-8871
Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Epoch 800-893-8871
Consumer Report

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Epoch 800-893-8871
Consumer Report