, Lift and Glow
Consumer Report


End of Nov I saw an add for this company in my site for samples & cupons for FREE 1mo. Supply of wrinkel cream, so I applied for it along with other offers. I saw no stipulations other than FREE, but some where there was a 14 day to cancel the order, I never saw this any where in the FREE sample add.
Dec 1 the shipping charge $2.08 was put on my card and I got the FREE sample, Ok to this point.
Dec 23 $89.15 was added and Jan 7 $94.18 was put on the next months bill which I got Jan28. Along with another bottle.
I called M/C and spoke with a dispute officer who said I was on the hook for it but she gave me the phone Scotland and said to ask for a RNA. I called and got the order cancled and a code number they wanted me to contune at 60% off, I passed.
They would not take returns and he hung up so I don't know if I will get my money back.
I later called M/C and gave them the cancelation no. And what had transpired. I was advised to keep on them and watch my statements and if any more charges were added M/C would take them off.

Company:, Lift and Glow
Country: USA
State: West Lothian
City: Linlithgow
Address: P.O. BOX 13511
Phone: 448081890973
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Free trial - false advertising
Fraudulant Charges - Free trial - fraud
Free sample ripoff

FWM Laboratories
"Free" Sample costs me 87.13

Extremely bad customer service, lies about service commitments

Colon Cleanse MD
Charged my account twice for $3.95 and then $89.31 for a months supply that I did not want. They refused to refund or cancel the shipment that I did not order

Acai Berry
Unauthorized charges

Biotab Nutriceuticals Inc
Charged item to credit card that I did not order

Consumer Report