Nue Science
Consumer Report


My card was charged 98.16 without me authorizing the transaction. It depleted my account and then I was charged an overdraft fee due to lack of funds in my account. I tried contacting the company and all the phone numbers were disconnected. This is obviously a scam and I want my money refunded to me immediately!

Company: Nue Science
Country: USA
State: California
ZIP: 90066
Address: 12228 Venice Blvd
Phone: 8008952698
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First Convenience Bank
Ripoff Excessive overdraft charges

Us Bank
Ripoff overdraft fees on authorizations not account balance

Platinum Trust Card
Consumer Report

Account Hold Overdraft Scam Augusta, GA Wachovia charged over $250 in bogus overdraft fees Ripoff

Bank of America
Overdraft charge transaction that wasn't overdrawn Internet

Bank of America
Overdraft Charges

Wachovia Bank
Ripoff Overdraft practices are better described as Fraud

Mineral Science
Purity Order product received late, cancelled after being charged for three months of product do not need or want

1st Credit Of America
Charged my account 29.95 I did not authorize. Stating 1st installment. I want my money refunded and them held accountable for overdraft fees

Bank Of America
InCorrect Overdraft Practices