Consumer Report


I am very upset at someone that did not have permission to get into my account and take or steal this money from me. I want you all to please return that money back this elder abuse after all we live on little checks from the goverment and than someone else steals what little we have. Now the bank is charging me for over draft so please can you all doo something and return my money and please dont ask me for my credit card number cause you all all took it so you must know where to send it to. Thank-you i hope to here from you very soon

Company: AquaLift
Country: USA
State: Utah
City: Salt Lake City
Address: PO Box 30816
Phone: 8774981950
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Consumer Report

Com ripoff Fraud for a shipping cost of $3.95. They get your debit card number and charge it to your account with out your permission. Rip you off!

Ambassador Collection
Ambassador collection debit my checking account for $150 twice in one day. I want my money back, my bank is playing around with me!

Online Biz
They were taking money out of my bank Acc. Without my permission An cost me a over draft fee for something, dont know what it was That I never sighned up for or even wanted in the first place. For the amount of $129.85

Consumer Report

Bank Of America
Bank Of America Rips Its Customers Off With Know Respect

Aqualift Beauty
Consumer Report

Secret Cash Card
They tooK $49.96 out of my checking account without my permission I upset because i don, t know this company. An I want my money refunded back to my account I"m totaly upset about tiis

Direct tv sells package bundle that att doesnt honor then steals money from account by debit for early cancellation on faulty install - direct tv bundle with internet ATT

They took money out of my bank account without my permission