Do I pay $290.00 to cover delivery for Mega Million Lottery?
Consumer Report


I received documents from A UPS delivery man per instructions from sponsor: Mr. White, Jamaica location (i.E. Kingston Jamaica, Zip W. I that supposedly were placed in his responsibility and came from the US Department of Treasure. These documents state clearing of a $900,000 merger of Wachovia Bank with Well Fargo & Co. The said David l. Golding, Assistant Attorney General in charge of Antitrust Division has appointed August Bailey with know title to oversee this merger. Documents request depository amount of $290.00 to be deposited in the following account? Which is not listed in the Department of Justice brief. Mr. White has instructed me to mail the fee of $290.00 to Bank Freedom, Irvine California. He states I must purchase a: Blue Express Payment Form and send the cash amount of $290.00 via this form to Bank Freedom, Irvine California. This bank is not listed in the document I received from the the Federal Express delivery man of which I had to sign for the document. Two checks $850,000 and $50,000 which are being held for issue to me pending my payment of the $290.00 were also included with the documents in the Federal Express envelope. According to the documents: The said David l. Golding, Assistant Attorney General in charge of the Antitrust Division is overseeing this matter and placed so called Miss August Bailey, title unknown to ensure this divestiture. A Release and Discharge paper was signed by a Bruce D. Golding, Notory Public for the State of District of Colombia. Colombia should be spelled Columbia. Likewise this document does not have a Notory Public stamp on it. And, shouldn't Notory Public instead read Notory Republic? Also included in the document is semi signature of a Mr. David Black, documented as D. Black who is supposedly the (Director of research and operations) that mispelled the word sent. He supposedly validated these checks that were supposedly sent from the Mega Million International Lottery and Sweepstakes Company. Please advise.

Company: Do I pay $290.00 to cover delivery for Mega Million Lottery?
Country: USA
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The gold rush internationnal sweepstake company
Consumer Report

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