Stock Fsc Loan Agency
Consumer Report


I started talking to this guy named Mr. Kenny Woodland. He promised me that I was going to get a loan for 50,000.00 This deal took us almost a year to process. Right at the beginning of this year, he told me that I was going to get the money and asked me for my credit (bank information). I bought a visa credit card (fortunately) and gave him hte information on it. The days passed and I didn't hear back from him. So, I called him and he told me that the banks were on holiday in his country. So I waited and waited. So, then I got desperate and called him again, and I wasn't able to get a hold of him. Then I became panicked and research for the company name on the internet. This time the company came up as a fake loan company. SO, it took me almost a year to realize that I was being scammed. This guy is very nice. We became friends. He even told me that I was his Christian brother, so I felt that he was really helping me out. I am in real trouble now. I have borrowed money to send to this person, to get the loan, and now I am stuck with more bills to begin with. Please if there is anybody outhere that can help, please do. We need to stop this people! They are stealing our money and that is not fair.
I have a job, but can't make ends meet. I have to pay a lot more bills now and is seriously ruining my life.

Company: Stock Fsc Loan Agency
Country: USA
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Ameriquest - Amc
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Consumer Report

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