Express Platinum Card
Consumer Report


They called saying they were a credit card company which is false. Now i'm trying to cancel with a website that does not exist. I keep getting the run around and being transferred and put on hold for long perids of time.

Company: Express Platinum Card
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Henderson
ZIP: 89052
Address: 871 Coronado Center Dr, Suite 200
Phone: 8775360076
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Express Platinum Card
Consumer Report

American Express
American Express must be in Trouble - American Express

American Express
Credit limit reduced

Platinum trust card
When they presented the card to me they said it was like an american express card also, i thought it was a credit card to use every day, when i tried to cancel it and get my processing fee back

First Capital Card, Platinum Express Card
Ripoff consumer rip-off fraud

Express Platinum Card
Consumer Report

Express Platinum Card
Consumer Report

Express Platinum Card
Consumer Report

Express Platinum Card
Consumer Report

Express Platinum Card
Consumer Report