Tlg great fittnes texas
Consumer Report


I cancled that thing back in 2011 in december 7 they said it was cancled in fact they took 1 more dollar whinch i never aurthozied i live in ohio they said they would return it but it never happend i guess i have to turn them over to the f b i in washington dc and belive i will do it they stick out on the internet likee a fraud

Company: Tlg great fittnes texas
Country: USA
State: Connecticut
City: Stamford
ZIP: 06905
Address: 6 High Ridge Park
Phone: 2039561000, 8005628888
  <     >  


Misleading Consumers / not telling the truth on what they offe
I canceled and they kept charging your account without my ok. They said I never cancled. $487 rip off

GE-Zurich Warranty Management
GE Warranty - Warranty

PMIDENTITY - Privacy Matters

Altovis, [berkley]
Ripoff I cancled & they keep billing & sending me product.internet

STI Trucking Company
Strongline Transportation Inc STI Of Nevada Donald Sessions Misleading information pretaining to orientation for a out of stste jo

Lipo Slim
Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Blue Hippo
Ripoff 99.00 dollar from my checking acct after I cancled the oder and now they wount refund my money to my acct they owe me 99.00

Ketone Premium
Consumer Report