Pima county CPS
Child protective services Stone walled the family from case, forced family member to sign over children to state, just to tasker every child she had, slandered family name in court, refuse to follow co. Policy in any aspect


I am in desperate need of legal rep. My family has been stonewalled from obtaining my nephews from the state of arizona. My niece was forced to sign her kids over to the state with assurance that she could have more kids and the state would not take them, only to have the opposite happen.

She gave family names to be contacted and they refused to do so. They even went as far as stateing, in court that my neice rufused to give family names, and that the family wasnt interested in the children. Slandered my families name without any of us present to defend ourselves and our families name.

I actually did an application to be a permanent placement for one of my four nephews after trying excessively to contact the case worker. Aster I received and returned the app. With accordance and understanding that the process takes three weeks to 3 month. I was connected to the family and stalled poor for nine months.

As a matter of fact they put my app off so long that another child was born. Then they proceeded to lure me intro believing that the new born was the reason for the hold up with the case that I was currently awaiting. I was told by the case managers supervior that they were two separate cases.

I from out of state as well as my family. And we're all more than certain that this fact has influencedthese people to do what they want with our family. Its un just.in fact on Dec 7 there was a hearing for a motion to intervine, in which the judge (Judge Hochuli acknowledged the wrong doing.

He also recognized a class action suit in my favor, but for what ever reason, refused to right his wrong, and overturn his ruling on refusing to let any family members adopt. No ground for that decision other than the family want stop trying. I was sent a letter on Sep. 30.

This letter was dated for the 21st of Sep., and was a notice of my denial that was regulated in mid august

Company: Pima county CPS
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Tucson
Address: 1075 E. Fort Lowell
Phone: 52088775772928
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