Great Plains Lending
Consumer Report


I borrowed $600.00 on line. I thought I couldn't pay them sooner than 3 months but had too, with the claims of late fees and could not collect money on my account (which they gladly tacked on more late charges). I asked them how were they able to deposit the check electronically but can't collect payment electronically. They gave some argument. So to not acquire high interest rate of 62.% compounded daily, my Relative had to send me the balance to pay them. I sent it express w/delivery signature require. Once received I called to verify which they did on Friday and said won't be posted until Monday and that I have to pay late fees on amount received at about 10am. They are calling me again still asking for late fees. They are the biggest scam and it's a sham the Montel Williams do not know half on what goes on behind his commercials on mutual loans. Now I have to report this to the Police and get a Lawyer because the yell at me on the phones too when they call. This is harrassment when they are paid and trying to get more money on their scam.

Company: Great Plains Lending
Country: USA
State: Utah
City: Salt Lake City
ZIP: 84106
Address: 2274 S 1300 E Ste G15 # 374
Phone: 8778361506
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Elizabeth Blascruz
Rip off

Money Mutual
Clear Creek Lending Exorbitant interest rates. Bordering on 600% APR

American Express
High interest late fees problem

Chase Credit Card
Fleet Credit Card ripoff, finance charges, late fees

G.E. Money Bank
Fraudulent promotional financing fraudulent interest rate fraudulent late fees fraudulent penalties ripoff

Option One Mortgage
RIPOFF I was charged LATE FEES when my payment was sent ELECTRONICALLY

Prestige Financial
Hidden Fees attached at the end of loan

First Consumers National Bank
They do not post payments until after due date so that they can apply their late fees

Bestbuy, Ge Capital Cons Cardco
BESTBUY, GE CAPITAL CON CC outlandish rip-off late fees

HomEq Servicing
Fraudulent billing, hidden late fees, not showing payment of late fees or return check fees. Ripoff