Aaron Darko, G60 seconds, Google in 60 Seconds
Consumer Report


I got an email advertising a product called Google in 60 Seconds, which claimed it could get any website to the top of Google in 60 seconds. I was a bit skeptical, but decided to check it out anyway. Within within 5 minutes of receiving the product and realizing it was total garbage, I requested a refund, thinking maybe they didn't even have enough time to charge me.in fact, they did charge me and then requested a paypal payment in addition to the credit card they charged and I sent them another email telling them the charge was in error and a refund was in order. They sent me another email directing me to a website and follow the instructions given. The website had a video on it I was to watch and then, if I still wanted a refund, to send in another request for a refund with the following words all in capital letters: I AM A QUITTER. I sent them the following response:

"i am a quitter

Now give me my refund or I will report you to every authority who has anything to do with stopping unscrupulous scam artists like you and tell everyone I know exactly how you people operate. Your reputation has definitely been tarnished in my opinion and I would probably not even consider looking at anything you send me in the future because of this experience. I request a refund for every item I determine is junk and yours definitely falls into that category. Therefore, yes, I am a quitter when it comes to being ripped off. Yes, I wish to quit being ripped off and, yes, I am now DEMANDING A REFUND AGAIN!!!"

They still did not want to give me a refund, but gave the following response:

"Because we value your success, we want to give you our Money by the Month Mastermind Group exclusive training worth $2000 for absolute FREE - this is 6months of money making training.

Let me know if you'd like to receive that instead of a refund."

I have no idea why they would think I would want coaching from such losers. After all, if their product is substandard and their service is terrible, what type of coaching could I possibly expect?

I then sent the following:

"I have done everything I can to try to make you understand that I WANT A REFUND - not training, not more replies, a REFUND!!! Perhaps you are not understanding what a refund is, so here is the definition of Refund: to give or put back, to return a payment. This is the most difficult time I have ever had in getting money back for a worthless product. I have sent in not one, not two, but several requests for a refund. I requested a refund on 12/15/11; then on 12/19 and then on 12/29 and I am INSISTING on a refund now. If I have to send in one more refund, I am going to make sure the FTC finds out about this. You have TWO HOURS to refund my payment as you have exhausted all my patience for this ridiculous delay. If I do not see a refund within that amount of time, I WILL be contacting the FTC to put them on alert of the tactics you people use in order to rip people off. This is a complete waste of my time and energy and I do not wish to expend any more of it on this matter. I suggest you make a hasty return of my funds immediately before you reap the consequences of my wrath!!!"

I waited till the next day and filed a complaint with the FTC. We'll see if I EVER get my refund. However, I would be extremely leery of anything Aaron Darko is associated with and just wanted to let others know. As an aside, he is so arrogant that he also has a fake email address of "aaron@millionaireat24.com." If he's a millionaire at 24, I would assume he made his money through unscrupulous means, judging by my experience. So, to the rest of you out there, be forewarned.

Company: Aaron Darko, G60 seconds, Google in 60 Seconds
Country: USA
Site: g60seconds.com
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Aaron Darko, G60 seconds, Google in 60 Seconds
Consumer Report

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Aaron darko dri google in 60 sec
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