Revita La Peau Agios Dometio
Consumer Report


It was a offer on facebook to buy creams Revitaderm for a sum of 5.99 euros a serum anti-rides free to testing it. That's what I did and at the end of the month I had a surprise to being dedited of 2 sums of 79,15eur and 79,85eur for creams I bought one time 51,00eur I got normaly for free. I was never according them to have the right to debit my bank account. Then I wrote them in threatening to do a lawsuit procedure to get my money back because I had never signed a contract with them to allow them to debited my account. Then they gave me back only one of the sums (79,15eur) they debited me and today I wrote them back to tell them if they don't make suit of my asking I gone launch the lawsuit procedure...

Company: Revita La Peau Agios Dometio
Country: USA
Phone: 44080881683685
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