Web Media Services, LLC / ClickShopNow.com
Consumer Report


Was pressured into parting with $129 and then to buy advertising after the 4 websites were set up: www.borns. Clickdebtreliefnow.com, borns. Clickrefernow, borns. Creditrepairnow, and borns. Clickloanmodnow.com. They looked good and was expecting to get more information on how to track clicks which has never come. They wanted me to sign the authorization invoices and mail them back and I did on the $129 but not the $450 which I also verbally agreed to, but not the $2,494 that showed up in my Discover Card charges. I told them I didn't have enough credit to do more than they already charged me. Now my card is way overdrawn and I am in trouble. When I call them, all I can get is a recording. (Personal Info Removed)

Company: Web Media Services, LLC / ClickShopNow.com
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Phoenix
ZIP: 85012
Address: 67 E. Weldon Avenue, #104
Phone: 8008058254
Site: clickshopnow.com
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Prompt Advertising Solutions
PRECISION MORTGAGE RELIEF.com Charged My Discover Card For Two Invoices Of Unfulfilled Items Totaling $6,900 In Which I Had Provided Cancellations Of The Invoices By EchoSign Internet Electronics On The Same Day, Which I Cancelle

Web Media Services aka ClickShopNow.com
Consumer Report

Bidvertiser Bidvertiser.com Bpath
Offered 20.00 in free clicks, did not perform, then charged me 35.00

Discover Card
Discover Card Financial Services Unauthorized Protection Plan Charges

Homes Club - E-Club
Charged My Credit Card Without Authorization

Discover Financial - Discover Card
Discover Financial Services Discover Card Fraudelent Practices: Payment Protection Plan

Your payment department
Consumer Report

Credit Builder - VIP Card Services
Ripoff fraudulent billing credit card services and credit builde

ICM Websites
Charged my credit card without my authorization

Idearc Media
Owner Manager, Ft. Worth