Express Platinum Card
Consumer Report


I was contacted by a rep offering me a credit card with a 5,500 limit. While he was telling me about the card i asked him if i could use it at stores such as wal-mart and he said that there are other major cards like american express. Not once did the rep say that this is some kind of online only card and that it is not a physical credit card. On 12/27 after getting off the phone with the rep i looked at the website and was not satisfied with the services. I immediately sent them an email at and that email does not receive emails. Upon contacting them at 800-887-2636 on 12/28 i was continuously hung up on, however they will say they are putting u on hold, or they answer and just dont speak and the hang up. On 12/30 the 99.00 came out of my acct and i finally reached someone after calling for 30 minutes and i told them i emailed the address given in the contact section of there page and they tell me i should have emailed cancellations, cancellations however is the exact same email address. This whole company is a fraud and has stolen 99.00 from me and caused a 35.00 overdraft fee.

Company: Express Platinum Card
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Henderson
ZIP: 89052
Address: 871 Coronado Center Dr, Suite 200
Phone: 8775360076
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