Consumer Report


There was a pending debit from www.autokitshop. Ws from my business checking account for 2 days prior to clearing. I've never ordered anything car related for my women's clothing and accessories boutique. After trying to find out who this company was I discovered it's a scam and I'm not the only victim. Now I have to cancel my debit card (once again) and wait for another one. Can't these scammers be stopped?

Company: Www.AutoKitSho
Country: USA
State: Pennsylvania
City: New Smithville
ZIP: 19530
Address: Address Not Yet on File
Phone: 6102851763
Site: autokitshop.ws
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AutoKitShop. Ws
Consumer Report

AutoKitShop. Ws
Consumer Report

Consumer Report

AutoKitShop. Ws
Consumer Report

AutoKitShop. Ws
Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Auto Kit Shop
Consumer Report

AutoKitShop. Ws
Consumer Report

Used my Bank debit card # to withdraw $39.95 from my checking account

AutoKitShop. Ws
Consumer Report