FlexCard Program
Consumer Report


Like all the other people that fell into this trap, I figured since I was cleaning up my credit... This was a GODSEND! It was a godsend alright! Try "demi-god" with a little 'g'! [Lesser divine status, such as a minor deity].

These people went so far as to send me an email on Nov. 12 telling me that thier card services provider was overwhelmed with the applications and they would be glad to refund my money or I could wait until Dec. 6 and they would refund my $69.99 upon activation of this Visa Card.

Well... Dec. 6th turned into Dec. 12th, then 19th. I made numerous phone calls to that bogus number. I sent them an email that returned to me as "MAILER-DAEMON...@!"

I finally accepted that I'd been "HAD" on December 23rd and there was no card. No email. No nothing.

Funny thing is... I'm not even mad about it. I took a risk and lost 2 cents shy of $100. I'm wiser now.

If anyone wants to file a complaint with the BBB their info is: https://seflorida. App. BBB.org/complaint/new/90036541

They are actually White Diamond Cards, LLC. The process is painless. ;-)

Company: FlexCard Program
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Boca Raton
ZIP: 33432
Address: 102 NE 2nd St., #162
Phone: 5619212600
Site: whitediamondcards.com
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FlexCard Program
Consumer Report

FlexCard Program
Consumer Report

FlexCard Program
Consumer Report

Applied for card in october still have not received.internet

FlexCard Program
Consumer Report

Alliance Network Demi Box Ltd
Consumer Report

FlexCard Program
Consumer Report

Electronic Dealz
Failed to provide replacement tablet. I cannot get a refund on my Sears card!

Consumer Report

FlexCard Program
Consumer Report