Wave Ten Solutions (MLM)
Not Known False Misleading Non Cancable Do not give customers only names


I was told the company would supply my first customers free if I joind. It's part of their recruiting style and those people they give me would then offset my monthly fees. Sounded great!

That never happened. I then explained that I only had social secruity as an income and could not gamble. I was told by my upline that there were many retireies in the program and doing great!
I was then told to just hang-in and enjoy the ride.

After a couple of weeks when it became obvious nothing was happening. I then canceled my partisipation by following procedures to cancle and was told my account would NOT be drafted.

You gessed it! I was notified today that they did draft my account. This is now causing a hardship as it was from my rent money due 01/01. Real nice. Happy New Year

Think twice before ever believing these people. It sounded to good to be true and it's NOT true.

Stay away.

Once they get you, if you don't do things the way they want by hanging in, your screwed. They proved to me that they are in controll. Their only interest is to feed their pockets by fabricating the opportunity.

The only true and honest part of their deal was with "Voice Nation". So far, they have NOT hit my account. We'll see...

Why are MLM companies like this allowed to do business when they are just in it to rip people off.

They sure talk a good game.in the end, the masses support the few who get rich.

They are NOT interested in the individual, It's all about the money. Stay away

Company: Wave Ten Solutions (MLM)
Country: USA
Site: waveten.com
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