

I was just in walmart at about 6:17P.M. Tonight, to pick up my presciptoin, that I called in on Friday 03/18. I went to pick it up saturday, they didn't have it in, I was told to check back Monday which is today they still didn't have it in so i ask the cashier to call USA drugs for me see if they would fill it for me she told me that was my problem, to call my self mind you I had needed it 3days ago, so i ask her did she not care if people lived or died? She said I'm not going to aurgue with you, thats your problem the way i do it is protacal mind 3days ago it was supose to be filled, I told her I needed to talk to management, she told me to do what every not only that she talked about me to a customer while i was standing there, so i went to drop off and ask to speak with management another young lady refered me to the pharmicist that was there i explained what happen, an told him that Mr. Ken would always take care of the problem so he did take care of my problem and called another pharmacy i got my presciption, but every body don't belong in cusotmer service

Company: Wal-Mart
Country: USA
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