TC Ifo Force Inc Mineapolis, MN
Consumer Report


We received a check of 1992.30 and deposited the same in Chase bank. We waited for 2 days for the amount to be credited and once Chase bank had credited the same into our account after 48 hours we withdrew it and completed the assignment as told. We did transfer the amount abroad.
Today we are intimated by Chase bank that the check was fraudulent. Please help, we are unemployed and new to the country.

Company: TC Ifo Force Inc Mineapolis, MN
Country: USA
State: Minnesota
City: Minneapolis
ZIP: 55440-1296
Address: PO Box 1296
Phone: 7012054440
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Tc Info Force Inc Offered par-time job of secret shopper, issued check of 1922.40 asked to assess western union. Asked to complete assignment only after cash in hand. Deposited and withdrew cash. Cash sent abroad. Late Minneapolis
Consumer Report

USA Credit
Fraudulent debit

Chase - JP Morgan Chase Bank, N.A
Research revealed that chase bank failed to exercise ordinary customer service

Scott Johnson On
Consumer Report

Chase - JP Morgan Chase Bank, N.A
JP Morgan Chase Bank, N.A. Stole money from my checking account and is trying to cover it up

Chase Bank
Poor Service

Chase Bank Chicago
Greedy Bank - Charges $ to cash a check drawn on them

Chase Bank/Mastercard
Did Chase Bank Cheat You On Your Balance Transfers and Zero Interest Time

ACM/FCRC 2011 4665 Nautilus CT, Boulder, CO 80301
Consumer Report