Aladdin Danaali, Address International, Slanderer, Defamer, Stalker, LIAR!


Aladdin Dinaali is a crazed, slanderer who lies & makes defamatory statements against honest people & companies. No one wants to give him business & now I know why.invoices for property inspections are typically Net 30, he is harrassing me & my staff for payment of a $150 invoice less than 2 weeks after delivery. He created a website spewing slanderous, defamatory comments about me & my company.

He proudly brags that he sues people because he doesn't get paid when he feels he should. Sometimes payment gets delayed due to late closing dates, problems with the transaction, etc. He has dedicated way too much of his time attacking people on the net & has multiple email accounts & websites. If he dedicated his time to building his business instead of spreading slanderous, defamatory, racist lies he might be more successful.

He created a website against his past client, yes client, not plural, & included obvious racist references about the persons nationality, who happened to be Iranian. What does their nationality have to do with fraud??? He throws the word "fraud" around without having facts to back up his statements. This guy needs to get a life & a job & stop harassing hard working honest people.

Country: USA
State: California
City: Culver City
Address: 3480 Torrance Blvd., #100
Phone: 8887355558
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