Consumer Report


We had what sounded to be a india speaking man that said we owed him money because we got a loan through cash net, knowing we didnt get one from cashnet, this man continues to call to this day, saying we are going to jail, that the cops are on there way, called us beggers, even went as low as tell me to take down my panties and ride him because i was low life because i would not pay them. I tried to tell him that he was being recored in this conversation and he replied thats good and got even more perverted. This is unreal what do i do to get these calls to stop? I never got a loan from this company i have no clue who they are.

Country: USA
State: Illinois
City: Chicago
ZIP: 60606
Address: 200 W. Jackson Blvd, Ste. 1400
Phone: 8888019078
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Steve Johnson - Cashnet Bank
Comsteve Johnson - Cashnet Bank They had me so scared and without any hope for recovery

Cash Net
Scam Nationwide

U.S. cashnet
Harrassing me for 2 months saying i owe them momey and ill be arrested they also called my boss 6 times

Law Firm, On behalf of Cashnet Bank
Law Firm from New York They called me, my co-workers, my work work phone claiming I had a defaulted loan from Cashnet Bank

Allstate legal services
William turner i was informed that i had payday loan outstanding from cashnet i was informed that i failed to pay it back and that i was being sued and the police would be arriving to take me to jail and detain me t

Frank miller stated I owed them money, and i was being sued. I never applied for a loan through them

CashNet USA
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CashNet USA
Received call from a man from phone #: Took large sums of money from my former bank account after loan was paid off. I had to close the account altogether

Top Tier Savings
Illegally took money from my Checking Account

Cashnet marketing
Cashnet Marketing Assulted My Identity