Linda Ann Johndreau
Ripoff Adultress Home Wrecker Child Abuser


Beware of Linda Ann Johndreau, DOB 1/30/1959 SS# (REDACTED under the laws of state of Arizona) A. Born Albuquerque, NM. Parents Johnny Mobley and Shirley Worsham.

Psycotic behavior, claims her mother performed extreme sexual perversions on her as an infant. Anyone who knows the parents will swear that they are fine upstanding members of the community albeit divorced for many years. Linda has a drinking problem and is plagued by paranoias and persecution complexes. Thrives on stress and believes money will cause her problems, thus she will spend hers and yours as fast as possible.

She goes from man to man relying on her charisma and looks to get them involved. She moves in dragging her two children with her using the man to support her. While sexual at first this quickly turns into an ordeal. She will stay with the man until her life starts to get settled then cause an event to bring on the stress culminating in her leaving.

Company: Linda Ann Johndreau
Country: USA
State: South Dakota
City: Box Elder
Address: Rural
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