Consumer Report


This company has taken $30.00 out of my account. I don't know who they are or how the hell they got my financial information. It's very early in the morning (Texas Time) and thank god I checked my account and caught this! I immediately googled them and found this site. I tried sending an email based on what another person on this site provided but the email address is no longer valid (surprise, surprise). I am so freaked out! I'll be calling the number shown on my bank account ASAP as soon as business hours permit! Why is this happening in America??!?! I will be contacting the FBI pronto!

*Note: I also filed this complaint under the term "ilenderassist" just to be sure all basis are covered for this deceptive company*

Company: ILenderAssist
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Las Vegas
ZIP: 89102
Address: 11 Desert Lane, Suite 2241
Phone: 8884759335
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Tranquility Alley No merchandise, took my money Internet

SNCF Internet Isles Les Mel
Consumer Report

Jeff Chavez and NorthStar Ventures
Miracles Coaching Program —NorthStar Ventures billed my credit card $500 long after my coaching was finished!

Consumer Report
Consumer Report

When I tried to cancel I was routted into a continuous loop, unable to actually contact them, the phone number put me on hold for nearly 20 min w / no results, when I discovered they were a hoax www.Usenet. Nl

RIO Avanix
Consumer Report

Baby of America
Unsecure site and phoney email contact info / email returned as undeliverable

Hit them where they live... The pocketbook! Ripoff

ROI Avanix
Consumer Report