Distributel Telecommunication
Distributel continued to debit my checking account for 8 years after I cancelled my long distance plan. Distributel never sent any correspondence after I stopped their service


I had Distributel as my long distance provider from September 1 through December 31.
I found their plans for long distance service did not suit my needs and were too costly. Also, you had to dial a long code before you dialled the long distance number. These reasons are why I contacted them to discontinue their service.

After that, I did not receive any correspondence from Distributel. Unfortunately, the bank I had my checking account did not send statements. When I checked my pre authorized payments, it did not say which company it was being paid. I thought the payment was going to an insurance company. Recently, I phoned my bank to inquire about some other pre authorized bill payments and was shocked to discover that Distributel never stopped taking payments.

What makes matters even worse, the plan I had with them was $39.00 tax per month for 1000 mins.
An additional charge per minute for going over the limit. This plan was discontinued and replaced with unlimited calls to the U.S. And Canada for $17.97 per month. Not only was I no longer with them, but they were charging for a plan that was no longer in use. They even charged me extra some months for going over the minutes. (this was impossible, since I was with another carrier and did not dial those access numbers. Distributel never sent me an itemized bill for extra charges. The 4 months they were my carrier, I received a statement with a call history to justify the extra fees.

I have spoken to their customer service manager, Daniel Brisson. He told me I would be given the call history records at a fee of $10 per statement. Now I am told they will not supply any records.

I sent a registered letter to Mel Cohen, President of Distributel. To date he has not acknowledged my letter. I told Mr. Brisson about the letter and he was to call me after he had looked into it. Have not heard from him.

Distributel is only willing to refund 1 year of over payments. I was told by Mr. Brisson, I would get 2 years of repayment. Now I am told I will have to pay $10 per statement to prove I did not use their service.
I refused to pay for statements. Also, I am owed a total of $4,426.11 interest for what was illegally taken from my account.

Their customer service is very difficult to reach. Most calls take more than 20 mins. To get to an agent and even then, customer satisfaction is not their mission. I really feel I have been scammed by them and have contacted the CRCT which is the governing agency for telecommunication companies. I may also have to go to small claims court to get my money back. I do hope others will not give them a voided check as they obviously do not have any scruples or moral fibre.

Company: Distributel Telecommunication
Country: USA
Phone: 18778102877
Site: distributel.ca
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