Consumer Report


Eceived email from my cousin, saying look at this, after i had looked i decided to join for $97 no admin was mentioned but a further amount was taken out totaling £126:95 sterling. Then when i checked with my cousin he had not sent this email. So when i went back on their website the unsubscribe button did not work. So i telephoned the number they gave me and could not get thru, no connection to this number is possible came a recorded message, so i went back to their site and the emails or replies would not work, i am a victim of this scam and would like my money back please

Company: HomeWealth-Sys.com
Country: USA
State: Michigan
City: Grandville
ZIP: 49417
Address: 2885 Sanford Ave SW, #15478
Phone: 8883328948
Site: simplehomewealthsystem.com
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Insight Communications

Nation claim united
Consumer Report

Dolphin Drilling UK
Consumer Report

Academic Evaluation Services, Inc
$110 fee for two automated emails

Keeps Sending Emails & Difficult to Unsubscribe

SLS Landscaping - Michael Stephenson - Chad Place

Consumer Report

Maxx Auto Shop
Totally taken advantage of

Premier Recovery Group
Scam-scare tactic-report them ASAP!

Labonetae Thomas
Dee thomas, kennedy publishing, vose magazine be aware of vose magazine