Consumer Report


My daughter who is a retail store manager wanted to register as a "secret shopper" with this web site, they said it would cost $9.95 and had no other charges. She researched the area we live in and found there were no options for her, so she never used it, when my credit card statement came with the FIRST $49.95 charge Sept. 2nd of 2011 we called them and got a Huge Hassle and they said she didn't read the fine print... After alot of transferring to different people, we got a refund number and a confirmation number of that refund. I then received another charge on the same account, it took them at least 2 months for the first refund and with repeated calling and demanding a supervisor, I was told they could not refund the second $49.95 because the "account was closed". I am furious that this company is still doing business after reading all of the complaints against them. I would like my $49.95 refunded.

Company: ExtraMoneyZone.com
Country: USA
State: Delaware
City: Newark
ZIP: 19711
Address: 40 E. Main St., Suite 600
Phone: 8889006193
Site: extramoneyzone.com
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Consumer Report

Mysteryshopper All Lies And will Scam you!

EZM Shopper at Phone Number (1-800-900-6193), ExtraMoneyZone
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