EMP Antiwrinkle - Rivitallift & Varous other names
Consumer Report


Hi - I like to do competions when having a coffee, have won a few things nothing major. Entered a promotion code for a creme which was £4.99 and with the code got it £2.85. Creme came weeks later hadnt got my statement but the product is Dermatol no despatch note and no eqmail of my purchase... My bank account has been robbed of £62.00 unorthorised payment! At the moment this promotion is running in Marie Clare on-line magazine - there was no mention of charges other than £2.85 and you fill in the coupon & payment / addressd details BEFORE anything else is mentioned if it is of course it is mentioned then it is probably hidden in small print.

Company: EMP Antiwrinkle - Rivitallift & Varous other names
Country: USA
State: New York
City: New York
ZIP: 10017
Address: 575 5th Avenue
Phone: 8003222036, 2128181500
Site: lorealparisusa.com
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