Consumer Report


These scamers think they can pull a fast one on me. They did took out 1cent and 3cents and then $30.00. So, i called by bank the told them, it was an authr withdrawn. So, they emailed me docments that i need to sign and i faxed it back to them. Within 24hrs they redpst everything that these people took from me and block the account so they can't take anything out. Now, they mad, they kept calling and threating me, do i care. Hell no. They can call all day, i just delete their message and don't even listen to it. My bank will contact them direct to get the $ they took, and i don't have to talk to the scamers at all. I laugh when they call, they probably try to get $ out and now they can't hahhaaa. Look whose got the last laugh... They need to get shot

Company: Heidi
Country: USA
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I have subscribed for US$29,99 and they billed me over US$300,00, using several names such as: Brazzers.com SCAMERS

US government grant department
These guys are scamers! They call you and say you are eligible to be paid $7000 because you have not had a bad credit for last 6 months. Then will ask you about your account number to depposit

Fund Assurance, 866-761-1124
Consumer Report

Grant Conect
Credit card scam


Consumer Report

Compass Global Financial From New Kingston, Jamaica
Consumer Report

Direct Buy
Direct buy shady people work there too!

Heidi Craig/AnthonyPowell/Herbalife
Consumer Report

NOT MY BILL - Dishonest billing and record keeping