James & Sandy James Fleming
James & Sandy James Fleming Hard time with security deposit


We have rented from this couple faithly for a little over a year. Come move out day the wife comes into our now old house to inspect as usual and starts slamming things around saying we left the place a HUGE mess! We actual hired a company to shampoo the rugs, patched holes in the walls that were not even ours to begin with. Cleaned the bathrooms and so on. Well apparently not to her liking, now keep in mind we have been renters for over 9 years! And never once have we had a landlord state we were pigs. So to appease this strange woman we stated please come back in an hour and we will clean it all over again to make you happy. So we have my mother in law, myself my wife and her friend busting out the cleaning even the windows and so on. She came back an hour later with the same attitude and stated she was going to with hold 275.00 because she feels as if though we were rushing her? I asked why then she started to be argumentative with me again stating why you are mad.

At this point we just took the $900.00 check from her at this time as something was better than nothing. Now note while living here we have placed new vertical blinds up Cost ($65.00) new plants and weed and feed the lawn Cost (over $100.00) carpeted half the basement Cost ($150.00) New light above kitchen sink Cost ($40.00) new shower curtain rod and towel holder in upstairs bathroom Cost (50.00) and lastly we re SOD one side of the house has it was rough and very rocky at a cost of ($50.00). We got no thank you not heres some off of next months rent nothing, they didnt account any of that we are out that money. Now my wife & I could have gone to small claims court but decided we would not go down to their level.

After a few weeks went by we finally got a letter from them stating that we didnt clean anything and that they spend OVER 11 hours on cleaning up after us and BLAH, BLAH and in the end kept $150.00 of our security deposit. Now this isnt much money but still we busted our butts on cleaning this place up and put our money into it and to be treated like crap like this in the end. I'm posting this on here as I believe they were pissed we were moving and they had no one lined up for it, in fact its still being listed on craigslist and is vacant. We just dont want anyone to have to go through the treatment we went through. We are not dirty people it just made no sense, the whole time living there no problems we move out and OMG you guys are nasty dirty people. Whatever you do stay away! They will run with your money and then some; be aware!

Company: James & Sandy James Fleming
Country: USA
Address: N7737 Maple Ridge Road Oconomowoc, WI 53066
Phone: 2628447698
Site: craigslist.org
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