South Bay Expressway
Innocent Until Proven Guilty? Not in Their Eyes!


I have only traveled this Toll Road once and will never drive it again.

I pulled up to the tollbooth on the south end of S125 and paid the attendant the $4 toll. He asked if I needed a receipt. I answered no. Big Mistake.

A few days later I received a letter from SBExpressway stating I evaded the toll and to pay a $64 fine, or request an administrative review. I spnet my time and wrote a letter stating the above information in detail and spend more money on a stamp and sent the letter off to them before their stated expiration date.

Wednesday before Thanksgiving another letter arrives stating that "the toll evasion occurrence was valid and your explaination falls into a category for which we have chosen to reduce your penalty, as a one time courtesy, to $10 to recoup our processing and collection cost". I now have Two Options: Pay $4 Toll (which I had already paid) $10 Fee orPay $64 and request another Review. This notice Payment Due Date is Due on Nov 25th a Sunday.

I called their office to pay the $14 since I cannot afford the $64 to fight this issue any further and find their office is closed on both Friday and Saturday. So I mail the check on Monday Nov 26th.

Arriving home on Monday night I find another letter from SB Expressway in my mailbox now stating that I owe them extra money for failing to pay on time. I guess they must not recognize American Holidays.

I have to ask: Is this Legal? Who gave them the right to Demand Money without any Proof? Aren't these Toll Booths monitored via Audio and Video Tape? In California if you get caught by a Red Light Camera they send you the proof of your error? Why doesn't SB Expressway? I guess it's just easier to demand money and hope folks like me keep paying because we don't know how to fight the wrongdoing.

I am more than willing to sign up for a Class Action Lawsuit to make this group change how they do business.

Company: South Bay Expressway
Country: USA
State: California
City: San Diego
Address: 1129 La Media Rd
Phone: 6196617070
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