Oxford Securities Inc
Consumer Report


A man named paul lee told us we won 50,000 dollars and he was going to send us a check of 4,950 so then we recieved the check and deposited on our account after that we called him he sid we have to pay 1,995 through western union for taxes then a nother of 1,950 for shiping then 500 more for shipping also so we checked our bank acount and the check of 4,950 did not go through i called hime and he said by thrusday it should be in our account but it has not and am calling him but hes not answering at all

Company: Oxford Securities Inc
Country: USA
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FCI Construction
Consumer Report

Farmers mid-century insurane company of Canada
Fred Jackson Sent me a check for 1995.00 and told me to deposit it into my bank account and I did then they told me to western union te money to the and they would send me the remaining amount of money

Waterhouse Securities Inc
Waterhouse securities sent check for $4980.00, wants cashiers check for2995.00 for taxes


Company Posing as NDP Research, Inc
Consumer Report

Evergreen securities inc
Michael quest sent me a check to deposit into my bank, I did this and the check is no good london

Fast Forwarding Securities, Inc
Sent fraudualent Check for $4998.00 to be used to pay taxes on supposedly winning of 250,000.00. I called the bank that the check was drawn on and told it was a fraud. I faxed a copy to the bank as requested. Norwood

Oxford Securities
Consumer Report

Oxford Securities Inc
Consumer Report

Oxford Securities Inc
Consumer Report