I Lender assist
Consumer Report


I have know idea who this company is or how they got my information i will be contacting the proper authority these people must be stoped i am disabled can not accept this

Company: I Lender assist
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Las Vegas
ZIP: 89102
Address: 11 Desert Lane, Suite 2241
Phone: 8884759335
Site: ilender.net
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Premier Membership Clubs
Consumer Report

Premier Membership Clubs
Consumer Report

American Housing Authority, Allegiance Custom Prodcuts, Texas
Take the money and run while your home goes away

Payday Resource Center
Disabled woman's bank account accessed by ripoff company

Bank of America
Scam and fraud!

Suppossed free (to assist a disabled pensioner) $26 fraudently deducted from my M/card. This site is a scam of shame.internet

MetLife And UNUM Provident Disability Insurance Company
First unum life insurance, stopped payments after 4 years when i was in worse conditon will not accept that i cannot work

Consumer Report

Bank of America
Unable to contact

CIT Group Consumer Finance
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