Canadian Government
No loyalty to their american protectors weaklings, sellouts


I am ashamed to be a Canadian. Canada is an embarrassement. I want to punch out every Canadian that has so disrespectfully and dishonourabley let down our family to the south and to our fallen solidiers who gave their lives to protect our rights and freedoms. The Chinese government and Chinese nationalists are laughing at us. They are plaing the selfserving nature of our country to date to rape us and finance a miltary build up against our brothers to the south. Americans dont pay back the Chinese they stole it from you. Chinese nationalist are as corrupt as they get and ill do anything in their power to topple democracy. I call on all nations to start protesting at all Chinese consulates. Yes their was greed on wall street it was stupd and must be dealt with, but it is Chinese that has been causing all the economic meltdown globally. Because all our countries are link to the world bank the chinese keep theirs separate.

Company: Canadian Government
Country: USA
State: British Columbia
City: Vancouver
Address: Ottawa
  <     >  


Hu Jintao
RIPOFF ARTIST Dirty Chinese Scum! Vancouver, British Columbia

United States Government
President Barak Obama MUST BE A CHINESE AGENT

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China / Chinese Nationalists
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Consumer Report

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Do not let them took your innocent money, best seat should be no more than $50

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Hu Jintao
"china is making every effort to take over the globe" chinese are all cashing in on the con