Juveneu - False Advertising
Consumer Report


I signed for my FREE samples in late August or early September and received and was charged the said amount of AU$2.00 each. At that time I realised what a SCAM it was and immediately returned them (at my expense) to the only address on the documentation which was Atlanta, USA, stating that it was false advertising and I no longer wished to subscribe. Since that date I have been overseas and have since received a further 3 deliveries while away as well as the unauthorised debit to my Visa card. I have opened the latest delivery in an endeavour to find some local contact details and phoned a Sydney number and lodged a formal complain (Ref. MI14542), cancelled my subscription (again) and the company will contact me regarding any refund for the unauthorised charges. Regarding to these charges, I pointed out to the staff member in Sydney, that no-where on the enclosed documentation (called a Delivery Note) is it stated as to how much the billing amount is going to be that is debited to my Visa card. Come on Consumer Affairs - do something about this company NOW!!!

Company: Juveneu - False Advertising
Country: USA
Phone: 18668811138
Site: juveneu.com
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