Mqv shopping essentials
Consumer Report


I found reoccurring charges on my visa debit/credit card. I did not subscribe to this company, nor have I recieved any merchandise.

Company: Mqv shopping essentials
Country: USA
State: Nebraska
City: Omaha
ZIP: 68114-3331
Address: 9500 West Dodge Road, Suite 100
Phone: 8774425774
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Shopping Essentials
Noticed a reoccurring debit charge, when I called the 888 number they could not tell me what the purchase or service was. Omaha Nebraska

Ap9 Shopping Essentials
Shopping Essentials ap9, Shopping Essentials fraudulent, thieves, any bad name you can think of for dishonest and diseptive ripoff

Shopping Essentials
I Agree With Other People on Deceptive Company Called Shopping Essentials Chicago Illinois

Shopping Essentials Charges to my card not authorized Internet

Shopping Essentials
Unauthorized credit card charges

Shopping Essentials
Shopping Essentials Potpourri Potpourri gift Bought gift from Potpourri and Shopping Essentials Ripped my Visa for 4 months withdrawing unauthorized amounts of $9.99 Ripoff

Shopping Essentials /
Unauthorized charges to credit card

Shopping Essentials
Unauthorized Credit Card Charges

Shopping Essentials
How did these people get my credit card information? I did not, nor would I sign up for this type of service. I'm clueless as to how this could have happened? Ripoff Conneticut

Shopping Essentials
Unauthorized Charges