Healthy Choice
Consumer Report


Every few months I get these small packages in the mail - no packing slip enclosed. The charges for these packages randomly appear! I have sent 2 back (I paid the postage) requesting they do not send me anymore and they refund the charge and discontinue charging further. No response from the company and packages came again and so did the charge! HOW do I stop this!!!

Company: Healthy Choice
Country: USA
State: Nebraska
City: Omaha
ZIP: 68102
Address: One Conagra Drive
Phone: 8007221344
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Healthy Choice
Consumer Report

Healthy Choice
Consumer Report

U. S Forward LLC
Consumer Report

National Shipping Lines
National Shipping Lines, RIP OFF, they are to pay you $20.00 per package that you ship off for them. They do not pay you

I Renew Bracelet
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Our Pro Shop
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Pak Mail
299 Deceptive, Price Gougers, Very Rude & Insultive

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USPS Topeka, Kansas
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