Mystery shopper agency18008802754
Consumer Report


On October 31st I found this number in the wanted ads. I signed up for the program and was told that i would receive a free trial for seven days. After the seven days was up which would be the following week of November 7th 0r 8th my account would be deducted for 49.95 if i didnt cancel. I was okay with that because at that time i had the money. Today November 16th when i tried to pay a bill i couldnt because the money was gone. I contacted them and was told that the only thing they could do was give me a free month of service and only charge me 9.95 next month. This is unacceptable i want a full refund because they were not authorized to touch my money today if they did it when they said they would it would not have been a problem i was scammed and now me and my children have to suffer with no electricity because of it. Please help me make this situation right.

Company: Mystery shopper agency18008802754
Country: USA
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Shopper Systems and Surplus Suppliers
Consumer Report

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Mystery Shopper
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Mystery Shopper gave me a pitch and then they said $49.95 per mo. Dri surplus supplier. I told them no way and to cancel immediately

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Shopper Systems FRAUD, TEXT, ONLINE, Mystery Shopper, Jobs, Shopper Systems Training Program, Get Paid, Telemarketers, Sales People