Auto Home Income Direct
Consumer Report


I saw this ad and thought, oh, what a great way to earn money. So I spent a total of $218.75, and have been waiting for over two weeks to receive any information about how to earn money with my website. Now that I think about it, how would you earn money by people just going to your site? It doesn't work that way. It also said you could get started that same afternoon... Yeah, right! Two weeks later, I am still waiting to get things set up. I am trying to get a full refund, but it doesn't look like that's going to happen. I am going to file a complaint with Better Business Bureau also. Let's all work together to e-mail, phone 1-800-410-5698, and call the Better Business Bureau and get our money back.

Company: Auto Home Income Direct
Country: USA
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Consumer Report

TKI Web Solutions
Greg Shoe - Earn From Home, If You Don't Earn We Don't Earn Earn from HOME on the Internet, We don't Earn if You Don't Earn! We will be there for you!

Work At Home Typist
Rip-off scam

Data Entry Business
Com very misleading about the program, and will not give a full refund, yet they say full refund 100% guarunteed
Consumer Report

The Results Group, TRG
Scammed and cheated me as well out of over $1500

Financial Resources Unlimited
I believed Mark Shelton's promises, I stuffed, mailed the envelopes and am now waiting for my paycheck BBB is in partnership with Mark Shelton Illinois

Shamrock Publications

Earn At Home Made Easy
Consumer Report

Bluecastle company
Deceptive company false promises ripoff fraud business the business that doesn't give a dam west holywood california