Consumer Report


Yes it is a scam!!! You pay $37, being led to believe you will be nothing more than an “affiliate”, posting information on behalf of businesses and drawing traffic to them. You would be making money off that traffic. I was then offered two “optional” purchases of which one would increase the online traffic substantially with an enhanced website, pumped with steroids, so to speak. For that, I would pay an additional $37. Then I was offered another optional service, costing me $47. (At the time, I thought I was paying this $47, but my bank indicated that this fee was not debited from my account after all.) It sounded like a good deal, so I went for it. (Please keep in mind that I am a cautious spender, and I weigh these offers very carefully.) In total, I spent $74. As if this wasn’t enough, I was then told that I would have to invest substantially more, into something called a “Brain Host”, buying package deals in which my website is online for a specific period of time, for a specific cost–at MY expense!!! No way!!! Now I had enough!!! I requested a refund, but so far, received nothing back. I intend to make a formal complaint–not just to these scam artists, but also to the Better Business Bureau and anyone else who will listen.

One more thing: When I rebelled against the exhorbitant “Brain Host” fees, the Auto Home Income Direct Rep suggested that I replace the proposed website with a page on my Facebook account to generate business. Imagine that! Initially, I was in a fog as to what she was referring to, wondering how this would be set up. She walked me through this process (to set up such a Facebook page), then put me on hold. While I was on hold, this allowed me some time to assess this Facebook page and its effect versus the website I expected to work off. When she returned to the phone line, I said to her “You know what? I just got scammed! ” She asked if I wanted a refund, and of course I said “You bet I do! ” So far, I have yet to receive any portion of what I paid the meantime, I recieved a phone call from someone else within this company, offering me the means to set up a free website, "but not until you get your refund back." He couldn't help me with my refund, of course.

The only way to reach this company, for a refund, is to either call them at 1-800-410-5698 and ask for the Billing Dept., or write to Mindy is an associate within this company who assured me that I would get my refund at 7 P.M. On the same day she spoke to me. Good Luck to all of you who deserve a refund and don't give up until you, too, get your refunds.

Country: USA
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Consumer Report
Consumer Report
Consumer Report

Brain Host
My Creative Site Designs Deceptive, Misleading, Misrepresentative Promotion of Services & Sign-up Bait & Hook

Coolhandle Hosting
Traffic Accumulator Traffic Accumulator and Coolhandle sucked me in to a "great offer" of a leads for my business and a website

Brain Host scam, lied, stole, NSA Technologies, Vince Fischer, web hosting, cheat
Consumer Report

Brain Host
Over charged me when didn't order a thing. Cancelled one day after signing on. Will not give full refund. Called 3 times w / same results. Don't waste money, scam, scam, scam
Scam! Completely lied about information to make a sell! Internet Scam
Consumer Report