Fed-Pak.com, and Experian
Consumer Report


I received an email from fed-pak.com promising free federal grants for anything from grants for a new home to a new car. I entered my visa card, went to the website and found nothing they promised. Also there were bonus gifts, one of which was a free credit check by Experian. I accepted their offer of a 7 day free trial membership and i didnt even see my credit score. I tried to cancel my membership and they said they don't have me on record. Please help me get my money back.

Company: Fed-Pak.com, and Experian
Country: USA
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CIC-CE Credit Manager - CIC Credit Monitoring
Cic - cic

Experian Information Solutions
Experian Credit Reporting - Ripoff Deceptive Advertising

Experian Charge to Credit Card for free report

Triple Advantage
Misleading. No way to cancel subscrition

Charged me $31.95 for a FREE credit report. I was due for my annual free credit report. They also enrolled me in their program simply for requesting my free report. I was then charged another $17.95 8

Consumer Info
Consumer Report

Experian - freecreditreport.com
Experian.com - freecreditreport.com they refused to cansel my membership, plus they refused to delet incorect information from my credit report

Consumer Report

Ripoff For Consumers Getting "free Credit Report" BEWARE

CIC Triple Advantage
Experian, Freecreditreport.com Free Credit Report wasn't FREE