Apple MacPro
Consumer Report


This date is approximate, but I remember that I was going to start Christmas early. Now here 3 months later and I still cannot get a satifactory answer. I orderder the Mac Pro; apparently on my discover card and when the digit was found wrong. Apple canceled the card, then notified me through email. I called Apple to give the the correct digits number which were verified by both of us. Weeks later
I am once again on the phone asking for an explanation. The operator stated "you're order in going the mail as we speak; maybe he doesn't think that smirk over the phone but I did. I sick and disgusted, my little granddaughter is hurt; and here we sit with greater than $1700.00 missing and no computer. I really through Apple did upstanding and ethical work, ha, was I fooled. I expectant at least 3 things to happen: 1. Not only does my Granddaughter received a gift as an appology, I expect it to be something nice, such as a color printer. Since I have been hopsital during all this, and as such have made my recovery slowed... Well you show me how valuable your customers are; you decide on appropriate apology. If I do not hear from you within (one) 1 week, you find find the Apple name splashed over the front page of news media that will listen to me, not to mention, face book, twitter etc, etc.

Company: Apple MacPro
Country: USA
State: California
City: Cupertino
ZIP: 95014
Address: 1 Infinite Loop
Phone: 4089961010
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