U.S. Customs andborder mail dept micheal fisher phone #202-370-7679
Consumer Report


I was contacted by micheal fisher to inform me about a sweepstake i won in costa rica. 1st i had to pay taxes which i western union to managua nicaragua i have receipts of amounts and dates of transactions. I am julius smith 604 40th place -fairfield, alabama35064. My e-mail is (Personal Information Removed). Another person involved was john parren-justice dept phone #718-690-9758. They failed to forward me my awardor return my $22,031 i sent for taxes. The funds were sent 10-13-11thru 10-24-11. Please help me get my money back. My phone#is (Personal Information Removed) it occurred 10-13-11thru 10-24-11

Company: U.S. Customs andborder mail dept micheal fisher phone #202-370-7679
Country: USA
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Micheal Fisher U.S. Mail&Border Patrol
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Info@lOCAL. Buinessguide.com
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Micheal Davis
If you have been a victim of micheal davis please read

McCaul and Norton Financial Group
Took my families x-mas away

Micheal Anthony Noble
Micheal anthony wells or micheal hall scam artist all over the united states

Huntsville Times
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Victoria banks - micheal williams ripoff told me i was approved the government grant and got my bank information